Work Experience (Software Engineer)
7 years' experience solving problems using computer technology. My current position is COO and Lead Developer at SpringMicro Software, a small business that provides software and services to businesses and organizations. I manage teams, design infrastructure, and engineer the critical parts of our systems.
COO and Lead Developer
- As a member of the board, engaged in the decision making and strategic planning for the company.
- Managed hiring, projects, milestones, and teams within the company.
- Primary engineer on SpringMicro Suite, a platform for organizations to access enterprise tools such as eCommerce, forms, reports, marketing, notifications, and customer management.
Software Engineer
- Lead developer in creating internal systems including a web hosting platform, authentication service, financial gateway, and customer relationship management software.
- Created internal RESTful APIs to allow these systems to communicate with each other.
- Example Project: Created a flag delivery app for a client using MapBox API for routing and directions, React.js for the UI, and Django for the backend including flag history, tracking, and RBAC. Created an interface to import and export data from the PostgreSQL database to CSV files.
Freelance Developer
- Created applications to assist in my teaching including a custom learning management system, a site to host student projects, and a guitar chord teaching app. This allowed students to have greater access to information and ability to share their products.
- Led a team of students to create the library system used by my school. Teachers can add books to the Django admin interface by ISBN and the Next.js frontend accesses information with an API.
Research Assistant
- Programmed an application in MATLAB to simulate the motion of Slinkys.
- Award-winning presentation about said application, “Longitudinal Wave Propagation Through a Suspended Slinky” at the BYU Student Research Conference, Feb. 2017.
Work Experience (STEM Educator)
6 years' experience as a secondary educator, with 3 additional years' experience as a teaching assistant. Designed curricula, established and grew programs, and taught over 10 different courses.
Part-Time Science & CTE Teacher
- Asked to return and revive a struggling Astronomy class that was neglected by the previous teacher.
- Upon returning, I also took over the Game Development class per request of the CTE team.
- Enrollment in both Game Development and Astronomy increased because I was back.
Computer Science Teacher
- CS Courses taught: AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principles, Computer Programming 1 & 2, Exploring Computer Science, Game Development 1 & 2, HTML5 App Development / Mobile Development, Intro to Information Technology, Web Development 1, Web Development Capstone.
- Started the CS program from scratch. Increased program participation each year (example: AP CS grew from 2 students to 12 in 4 years).
- 13 of my students participated in a tech-related internship during or immediately after high school. 10 of my students went on to study CS/IT in college.
- Other Roles:
- TSA Advisor (2018 - present). Involved students in coding competitions in class, after school, and at the state level.
- CTE Department Chair (2019 - 2023). Mentored 3 new CTE teachers in lesson planning and state precision exam administration. Coordinated horizontal and vertical curriculum alignment.
- Cross Country Coach (2020 - present). Increased participation from 12 to 30 in 3 years. Differentiated training to athletes of different levels. Multiple region championships for boys and girls.
- Ultimate Frisbee Coach (2021 - present). Saw a need for more middle school sports offerings; this led to starting a middle school and high school Ultimate Frisbee club team that competes with other schools around the state.
Computer Science Teacher
- Taught rising ninth graders at a summer STEM program in an accelerated environment.
- Took pre-existing curriculum and adapted it to students' needs.
- Collaborated with other Intermountain PREP CS Teachers in Utah to develop curriculum for the course.
Physics Teaching Assistant
- Assisted eighth grade students in their summer physics coursework through individual and group tutoring.
- Managed the gradebook and data related to the class.
Student Teacher (Computer Science)
- Taught 'Exploring Computer Science' course. Assisted in teaching Intro to IT, Programming 1, and Mobile Development.
- Created original unit of instruction related to programming fundamentals (in Scratch).
Student Teacher (Physics)
- Taught 'Physics' and 'Physics w/Tech' courses.
- Collaborated with fellow physics teachers to overhaul curriculum related to energy. Pioneered implementation of said curriculum.
- Created original units of instruction related to gravity and electricity.
Physics Demonstrations Assistant
- Maintained and distributed physics demonstrations to professors at BYU.
- Became familiar with pedagogy and application of over 300 demonstrations.
- Displayed organizational skills in taking inventory and managing database of demonstrations.
Physics Teaching Assistant/Private Tutor
- Experienced both helping professors teach classes and tutoring on a one-on-one basis.
- Courses Taught: Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electricity & Magnetism, Physical Science, Programming (C++, Wolfram).
- Received positive reviews every semester of teaching.
- Experience as a private tutor for high school and college students.
- Volunteered at local elementary schools to teach science, organize science fairs, and perform physics demonstration shows.
Work Experience (Musician)
8+ years' of experience as a music teacher and freelance musician. Taught high school jazz band and private piano and guitar lessons. Arranged music for professional and church groups. Bandleader, bassist, guitarist, keyboardist for several groups. Volunteer work as an organist.
Jazz Band Teacher
- Went from no band program to 20+ students enrolled in band in 3 years.
- Managed an unusually wide range of skill levels within the class by arranging each song to have appropriate parts for each player. Over 50 arrangements were written in my tenure.
- Taught music theory, composition, improvisation, and technique.
Bassist and Bandleader
- Booked gigs including community events, weddings, and parties.
- Managed finances, scheduling, personnel, and rehearsals for the band.
- Composed, recorded, produced, mixed, and distributed original music.
Private Music Teacher
- Taught private lessons for piano, guitar, ukulele, and saxophone for children ages 6 to 18.
- Adjusted curricula and lessons to meet students' needs and encouraged student choice in repertoire.
- Bassist for the BYU ROC Band that played at men's basketball games.
- Stayed current on a repertoire of over 80 tunes.
Jazz Guitarist
- Lead guitarist in a big band that played in Utah and Salt Lake Counties at corporate and community events.
- Stayed current on a repertoire of over 40 tunes.
- Frequent soloist in the group.
- Provided 90 minutes of live organ music bi-weekly for temple patrons.
- Demonstrated knowledge of registration, manual and pedal technique, and arranging.
- Minor: Computer Science Teaching
- Overall GPA: 3.6; Minor GPA: 3.95
- Academic Scholarship; Regents Scholarship
- Society of Physics Students Outreach Coordinator
- Computer Science - Level 2
- Physics 2
- Music (K/12) - LEA Specific at Merit
- Teaching
- Project and Team Management
- Leadership and Coaching
- Curriculum Development
- API and System Design
- Authentication Implementation (Token, Session, OAuth2)
- Server and Database Administration
- JavaScript (TypeScript),
- Python.
- React,
- Astro,
- Next.js,
- FastAPI,
- Django.
- PostgreSQL,
- MongoDB,
- Docker,
- RHEL Linux,
- GitLab CI/CD.
- CSS,
- MUI,
- Tailwind,
- Bootstrap,
- Bash,
- C,
- C++,
- C#,
- Golang,
- Java,
- SQL,
- Wolfram.
- Svelte,
- Express.js,
- Echo.
- Redis,
- Kafka,
- AWS,
- GCP,
- Heroku,
- Debian Linux.
- Sass,
- Adobe Photoshop,
- Adobe Illustrator.